So Glad We Said 'Please’


King Seojoon looked at the delinquents before him.

He knew that they meant every word they said and with Chang Wook making it known that he was the warrior healer, the king knew he had no other choice but to give them what they wanted. 

There was a reason Chang Wook was called the warrior healer, even though there was nothing healing about him. He was a product of magic, or rather, the things King Seojon had done to him had forced him into what he was today. 

Chang Wook was a warlock and would easily be welcome in the Valley of the Whites despite being born a wolf. He had so many privileges and no one in the realm wanted to fuck with the warrior healer.

As a matter of fact, when the warrior healer had chosen peace twenty years ago and left the realm, everyone had let out sighs of relief because they wouldn't be walking on eggshells anymore. But then Seojoon just had to bring him home, no?