The Heart Wants What It Wants


At the mention of his best friend, Jihoon faltered for the first time before Yanna. 

He had been doing well holding on to the little truth that maybe Rani cared about him like he did her. It was without a doubt the only reason he had been confident about Yanna not affecting him. 

However, whatever Yanna said and the conviction in her voice made him feel like he had been running a shitshow for years.

"I see you want to be imprisoned so bad, huh? Guards!!" Jihoon said, calling out to his warriors. He didn't care what else Yanna had to say and he wasn't going to let the woman come between him and his best friend. 

The dispensary was too warm a place for Yanna and her incitements, and Jihoon was tired of listening to the woman. He wanted to postpone the questioning, and yet at the same time, he wanted to face the truth and get to the bottom of all this.