Which Version of Hell Was This? [2]


"Tell me something love, did you get enough sleep? Pardon me if I woke you up, I didn't mean to,'' Kaia said and the team of misfits could have sworn that they were in an alternate universe. 

This was not what they had expected, and the fact that Kim Rania was smiling at the man like she had put all her brain cells aside was worrying. However, they had to see this through. They had to wait and see what direction this madness would take.

"Kai—" Rania began softly, but Oshita spoke.

"Am I in hell?" Oshita asked and instead of his friends saying he was dramatic, they all looked at him with the same hopeless face that Oshita was wearing. Tsi was surprising to them and none of them had been expecting it really.