Wedding Day

The day had finally arrived. The last few weeks had been a whirlwind of decisions. What flowers would best match her hair? How many people would be invited?

Her father was forever locked behind the thick door of his office. It was as if he didn't care about any of the proceedings. Each time she passed the closed door, her heart broke a little more inside.

She held out her arms as the maids surrounded her. They were making sure her dress fit perfectly for today. She felt her rib cage creak as they tightened her corset.

The new trend of dresses did not go over well with Eva. She held her stomach as tried to take a breath.

"It's tight," she said.

"You will just have to get used to it."

Eva turned around quickly at the sound of her mother's voice. The maids chastised her as they were still sewing on last minute decorations.

"Mother, I did not know that you would be here," Eva's voice almost trembled.

When was the last time they had spoken normally? She couldn't remember.

"I wouldn't miss my daughter's wedding day."

Her mother sat down on the edge of her bed. A warm feeling spread through Eva's heart. A feeling that she thought would remain cold and empty for the rest of her life.

"Of course."

She turned around and blinked back tears. She didn't need the maids to scold her again for ruining her makeup.

Odd feelings of excitement were bubbling up to the surface. The next chapter of her life was about to begin. It was almost like a new adventure was starting.

It wasn't the adventure that she thought it was going to be, but she was willing to try. A knock sounded at the door followed by hushed whispers.

"It is bad luck!" she heard her maid Lilly cry out.

"I just wish to speak to her before the wedding," a clear masculine voice called out.

Eva's heart beat loudly in her chest.

'Why now?' She questioned.

He had ignored her at every turn. Behind the partition blocking the door was Hans, the person she would be marrying today.

"Miss Arco, if I may have a moment of your time?"

His voice caused a slight blush to burn her cheeks.

"It doesn't have to be face to face. We can talk on opposite sides of this partition," he said.

Eva held her hand to her chest. She took a deep breath to calm her thoughts.

"Sure," she replied.

She waved the maids away and waited for the room to clear. Her mother remained across the room within shouting distance.

"I wanted to meet you at least once properly, but your father would not allow me time," he said.

The loud beating noise her heart was making, made her more nervous.

'What if he can hear my heart thudding?' She thought.

There was something different about him then the knights she was used to being around.

She leaned over closer to the side of the partition. She steadied herself on the wall, as her dress was hard to maneuver in. A warm hand grabbed her hand. Her breath caught in her throat.

"I promise to do right by the Arco family. Your father says you have a lot of pride for your family."

The hand released hers and the sound of the door shutting behind him was the only thing she heard over the thundering sound of her heart.

She felt the gentle touch of someone stroking her arm.

"I can already tell you are ready for this next chapter in your life."

Her mother's gentle eyes looked into hers. Eva cleared her throat and resumed her position to finish the wedding preparations.

They had settled Eva in the waiting room. The sounds of people conversing in the courtyard as they waited for the wedding to begin, reached her ears.

The smell of flowers was strong even inside the room where she waited. She was left alone as the maids had left to make sure everything was ready for her to walk down the aisle.

She wasn't even sure when it started, but screams were pouring in from the venue.

'What's happening?'

She wanted to race out to see what was going on, but her dress didn't allow for much movement. Still, she tossed her bouquet aside and made her way to the heavy door. She peeked into the venue. Chairs were overturned, petals strewn everywhere, and there was the scent of blood.

Not a single person remained in the small courtyard. Eva opened the door wider. That was when she saw the bodies. They were piled up to the side so that she did not see them at first.

Their throats were slashed and a look of terror was frozen in their eyes.

'Who would do such a thing?'

She began to panic. She pulled out the knife she always kept at her hip.

She had almost left it in her room today. However, the knife gave her comfort, and that is what she needed today of all days.

The first thing she did was cut herself out of her restricting corset.

'I am sorry Lilly, I need to be able to move,' she internally apologized to her maid.

She cut off the excess fabric at her knees and held up the knife defensively.

'If I can just make it across the courtyard into the armory, I can arm myself better.'

She kneeled low to the ground. Making her way row by row amongst the chairs set up for the wedding.

The sounds of struggle rang across the courtyard, as the enemies had moved within the mansion. She prayed for her parents' safety. Even the servants had not been spared in the initial blitz.

'Ok, I just need to cross that open space and I will be at the armory.'

Eva steeled herself. The weeks leading up to her wedding she had not been allowed to continue her combat training. She cursed at every hour she was forced to waste in bridal classes.

'I just need to run as fast as I can. The fighting is coming from the west. I can do this.'

The adrenaline kicked in and she rushed across the open part of the courtyard behind the small stage built for the wedding.

'I made it!' she thought. She pulled on the armory doors to find them locked. 'What do I do now?'

Her eyes poured over the walls, hoping something could be useful.

Noticing the ornamental sword hanging on the wall down the hall she cheered internally. Anything was better than the small knife she carried. Remembering to soften her steps she rushed to the display swords.

She had to tug hard on the decoration to release the sword. Hard enough to send the second sword clattering to the ground. Someone had noticed her presence.

Men wearing dark clothing came around the corner.

"Who do we have here?"

The man's smile made bile rise to her throat.

"Boys, we have found a flower to play with," he said.

Eva backed up into the wall she had been facing the moment before.

'Is this how I am going to die?' she thought desperately.

"Wait, I think this is the one the boss is looking for." Another guy stepped in front of the man eyeing her.

The men groaned as they realized their prize was not theirs to take.

"Take her to the master. Maybe he will allow us to have seconds," the man who had talked initially ordered the others.

Eva raised the ornamental sword, but the men laughed as they ganged up on her. Soon the sword was sent flying off in the direction she had come from and they captured her. Eva felt tears rise to her eyes as she realized it was all useless.

'All the training I had worked hard to master is useless! …Why are men so much stronger than me?'

Her mind raced looking for a way to escape. Each of her arms was grabbed roughly and she was practically dragged to the front of the mansion.

Her heart leaped with joy when she saw Hans. However, she soon realized that she was being dragged to Hans. The small bit of hope of the promise he made to her dropped into the depths of her despair.

It was Hans who had brought this misfortune upon her family. She hated herself for believing she could have lived a good life with this man. She hated herself for the attraction she had felt toward him. Her eyes filled with hatred and she regained the strength she had lost.

"I see you have caught my flower." He smirked at the men surrounding her.

Their laughter only fueled her hatred more.

He reached out and stroked her hair. She felt repulsed by his touch and spat at his feet. "Now that is not how you should act towards the person who is holding your parents prisoner."

Hans pointed to the carriage behind him. His men then forced her father and then her mother out, making them kneel on the ground.

"Kill them."

Her heart leaped into her chest. "No, don't kill them!"

Her shout was useless. The sword swung upward and ,in one fell swoop, both of their heads fell to the ground, painting the ground red. She felt her stomach turn before she spewed the light breakfast she was allowed to eat on the ground.

It was over. The family she had spent her whole life wanting to honor were now dead at her feet. Not even what was left of her wedding dress had survived the blood splatter.

"KIll me." She whispered.

"Kill you? And waste such a beautiful girl. No, I have far better things in store for us." Hans laughed.


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