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Coughing, Lucas continued his explanation.

"Since spirits are created from large amounts of mana, the mana within them is their life force. They are as diverse as the different types of plants among all the forests.

"I have only seen one spirit in my life though. The one who gave me the gift of healing magic. The spirits in general tend to not like to show themselves or get involved in the world.

"I don't know if it is a rule among them or they just like to remain hidden from the rest of the world. Since they are so secretive not much is known about them other than they are the origin of magical abilities."

Red was back in Eva's lap as she listened to the rest of Lucas' explanation. He was sleeping quietly, not seeming interested in their conversation.

Eva wondered just how much the leopard cub understood. He seemed to know what she was saying when she talked to him. It was strange.