Changing Tactics

"Eva… Eva, you need to wake up."

Lucas shook the sleeping human laying curled up beside him. He wanted to let her sleep longer, but he knew that she would need to eat at some point. 

Her stomach had already started to grumble. It was also a waste to let the food on the fire go to waste.

"Huh? Lucas? Oh, no, the soup!"

Eva woke up in a panic and rushed over to the fire. Lucas laughed silently at the sudden panic in her gaze.

A sigh of relief told Lucas that the food was still fine. It wasn't such a surprise for Lucas, as he had been monitoring the soup by smell and sound the whole time.

Now the only sound worth noticing was the silent grumble from the young leopard who had been jostled in her rush.

Lucas reached over to pat the leopard in consolation, but the leopard used his sharp teeth to bite the elf instead.