Receiving Eva's Sword

After leaving Fiora's shop he walked the two doors down to Dio's shop. This time when he entered the shop, the dwarf was waiting for him at the counter.

"You are here!"

The dwarf seemed excited at Lucas' presence. Lucas felt instantly on guard at his behavior.

The scene from the market flashed through his mind. He cautiously observed the shop around him, but noticing no danger he relaxed his muscles.

The dwarf motioned him into a side room, he had not noticed before. Lucas stepped into the room where a table and chairs were.

"Would you like some tea?"

The dwarf asked while setting up a kettle full of water on the nearby small fireplace. Lucas nodded, and waited for the dwarf to finish making tea.

After pouring the tea the dwarf pulled a string on the wall and sat down across from Lucas. 

"My apprentice will bring us your order soon. I wanted to talk to you for a bit."