Becoming an Adventurer, Lucas Part Two

Lucas felt like his whole life was falling down in front of him. He thought this would be much harder than the guild employee was making it.

"And the rumors of adventurer's achieving merits to become nobility?"

The employee looked up from his paperwork.

"Oh, I see you are well informed. Well, that is still something we hope to see happen. The treaty did cover this, but no one has actually tried to achieve that feat. 

"In general, the amount of merits that would need to be achieved are so great, that it is almost impossible to earn them. However, I don't see that being a problem for one as strong as you."

Lucas began to worry about Eva's goal of earning a noble title for herself. If it truly was that difficult would she be able to achieve it?

"In addition to the requests, the Adventurer's Guild would like you to register and train new warriors at your discretion."

The employee looked up at Lucas to judge his reaction to this statement.