Survival Test

As the days went by, Eva could tell something was bothering Lucas. It was in brief moments when she would catch his gaze, and a look of discontent would be there.

The awkwardness that had surrounded them had faded away. Eva was thankful for this, but it was also why she couldn't bring herself to ask him what was wrong.

She wanted to live happily with Lucas until they separated. At least that was what she told herself to make herself feel better.

In reality, she was terrified she had done something to make him angry. His expression would always quickly return to the blank expression she was used to seeing.

He would smile at her when they made small talk. The small affectionate gestures also did not stop.

So was he really mad at her? Did he not truly forgive her for what she said that day? For not talking to him for days afterward?

Eva's thoughts made her feel sick to her stomach. Today they were walking to a new location to camp.