To Unburden One’s Soul

Please, Lucas. Tell me what you are thinking?"

It was something she never thought she would ask. She had told herself that it was better this way. So she could focus on her goals.

Now, she saw what her choices were causing. She saw the pain in his expression and his expression tore her heart apart. It was not supposed to be this way.

'I was supposed to make this as painless as possible for him.'

Now she was afraid that she had hurt him in ways she could not see. He loved her. She should have been more careful. It only took her until now to really see him, the real Lucas.

Tears threatened to escape her eyes. She took a deep breath and asked again.

"Lucas, we can't continue on if you can't communicate what is causing you this much pain. I am not blind and I can see something is bothering you. Is it me? Am I the cause?"

Eva's voice faltered, leaving the room silent. Her voice echoed the weakness she was feeling inside.