Night in the Snow Cave

Eva woke up in a dark cave with vague memories of how she got there. A fire seemed to have burned down to embers, casting the cave into shadows. Despite the lack of a burning fire, the cave was still warm.

Or perhaps part of the warmth she was feeling was coming from beside her. She felt around in the dark and realized there was a body lying beside her. 


Her hand landed on what felt like his chest, as she felt it rise and fall. 

'Is he asleep?'

It was rare for her to catch him asleep. It was usually only when he was hurt or exhausted. From the rhythms of how his chest rose and fell, he did not seem to be in distress.

That meant he was exhausted. From her vague memories she determined that she had grown sick again. The faint bitter taste in her mouth reminded her of the especially strong medicine Lucas had made a couple times. 

'He must have had to use his healing magic to cure me.'