Mana Flowers

As soon as Eva blinked, Lucas was gone. 

'How does he disappear so quickly?'

The thundering footsteps were moving away from them. Eva clenched her chest as she tried to quiet her heart rate.

Thoughts of the ape beast filled her mind. What were the odds they would run into another beast?

Eva couldn't help but feel like the world was a lot more dangerous then she was led to believe from the safety of her home.

Her waist was pulled in the opposite direction. She almost let out a cry in panic, but realized it was just Lucas. He lowered his head to her ear.

"Don't be frightened."

Now her heart was beating for an entirely new reason as he whispered that into her ear. She felt Lucas tense next to her followed by the feeling of weightlessness. 

Where she was once on the forest floor, now she was looking down at it. Eva took a gasping breath of air as she realized she had forgotten to breathe.