
Eva's heart beat wildly inside of her chest. She had managed to walk with her back straight until she turned the corner. Before her was the entrance to her new life, the Adventurer's School. She was grateful that she needed to turn this corner. To have something physical block Lucas from her vision.

Each step she took felt heavier the moment she walked through the gates. She tried to distract herself by staring at all the new and different sights of the capital streets, but deep inside she knew that these would be the last moments with him, with the elf she fell in love with as they traveled across the kingdom.

There had been moments of danger and times where she was afraid. However, having Lucas there beside her had made it all manageable somehow. Now she didn't have that comforting warmth. It was like it disappeared all at once and she felt empty and hollow. Her eyes stung as tears threatened to fall from them.