The Great Spirit Selene

"Your life?"

Eva's mind became clear all of a sudden and she looked down. Lucas looked like he was in pain and blood was dripping from his mouth. Why was he like that?

Eva looked at her hands and realized her mana was leaking out from under her skin. Her hands trembled. Did she cause this?

She heard a gargled cough and her eyes immediately turned back to the elf kneeling on the ground. His hand covered his mouth and a dark crimson color flowed out between his fingers.

"Wha. Blood?"

Why was he bleeding? She reached out her hand and the mana leaking out of her arm intensified. Lucas fell to the ground and did not move.

"No… Lucas!"

Eva pulled her hand back and tried to take the mana back into her body. However, her effort only caused more mana to leak into the air. She heard the structure of the house creak around her.