Fiora Arrives in the Capital

It took Leyla most of the day to make it to the elven city. She managed to just make it through the gates before they closed for the night. Despite the many disgruntled stares she hurried to the herbalist shop.

The door held a closed sign, but Leyla knocked on the door loudly until it opened.

"What could possibly be so urgent that you need to almost break my door down. Oh, Leyla! I haven't seen you in a long time, dear. How have you been?"


Leyla shoved the letter that Lucas had given her into Fiora's hands. She was out of breath and took a few minutes to compose herself.

"Oh, my. Well if it isn't my apprentice's handwriting. What a rare occasion indeed."

Fiora ripped open the letter and began reading. The farther she got through the letter the more her eyes narrowed and a deep frown crossed her lips.

"Not good indeed. Leyla, come in for a drink. I can tell you have been traveling for quite some time."