Fiora's Old Master's Journal

A heavily protected room had been constructed for his master's use. Mostly because she had a habit of making whatever she was brewing explode. If you didn't at least go that far then she would have probably blown a hole in the mansion's side by now.

Lucas had not even commented on the bill for its construction. He felt like Fiora had taken advantage of him, but it was fine because she saved Eva.

The door to the workroom was heavy and intimidating. Lucas easily swung it open to find his master already in the middle of brewing another potion. Herbs hung from the walls and many of the work tools were strewn about the room.

"Could you at least wait to brew until my lesson is over?"

"Blasphemy. One must brew when the imagination strikes. Sit over in the corner. I will get to you once this tricky bit is done."