Fragments & Forgotten Friends

Eva awoke drenched in sweat. A dream filled with fire as her home burned to the ground around her haunted her. The man was not all that familiar to her, but a name whispered itself into existence.


He was laughing as he watched the home she was so familiar with burn until it was no more. What finally allowed her to awaken was the slumped over bodies of her parents in the distance and then an endless stream of leaves.

The nightmare was concurrent with the absence she felt from Lucas' presence being elsewhere. What was the worst was the fact that she felt that this was more than some nightmarish dream. She felt it was a memory that she had forgotten.

The dream was so realistic that she felt the heat on her skin even now and the smell of smoke still in her lungs. It made her gasp for breath and sweat through her nightgown. The only saving grace perhaps was that she did not scream.