Looking Back

Eva groaned as an unfamiliar scenery unfolded around her. Her head felt heavy and she was laying in an unfamiliar bed. She tried to remember what happened but all she could remember was a strangely tinted smoke had surrounded her.

"Lucas?" Her voice was broken and she could barely utter his name.

"He has left to take care of business." Leyla's voice filtered from behind a thin fabric that surrounded the canopy bed.

Bits of sunlight shone through the opposite side of where Leyla's voice came from in the room. Her eyes were immediately drawn to her voice. The thin fabric fluttered as if wind was blowing across it and the elf's face appeared where the fabric parted.

"Business?" Her voice was getting clearer.

"Yes. He said he would try to return as quickly as possible, but it may not be until tomorrow or the day after."