Easy Infiltration

Despite the late hour there were lights on in what appeared to be a study. Three men were sitting in luxurious chairs with glasses of amber colored liquid in their hands. A fire was nestled across from them as they appeared to be celebrating.

They appeared to be celebrating so much that their red tinged faces did not even notice the large windows open and close. Nor the cold wind that followed.

"By the time we make it to the Capital that interloper will be done for. I had to dip into the family treasury, but I hired enough mercenaries to get the job done!" a rather heavy set man, in all the wrong places, exclaimed joyfully.

Lucas' attention took in the clothing of the man and he noticed the emblem of the Montford Duchy on a rather elaborate pin fastened to a flashy scarf. It seemed the higher the status in the human kingdom, the more ridiculous their attire got.