The Healer's Reasoning

As they reached the fresh air outside the cave, Lucas gave out a sigh of relief. The musty air of the cave base felt stifling and he felt most at home amongst the trees of the forest.

Lucas stiffened as he realized there was a short man on the faint path holding a large pack in his hands. The man's eyes widened and he looked at Eva on Lucas' back then back to the cave.

The man set the bag down, held up his hands then motioned towards the bag now on the ground. He opened up the bag and rummaged around in it. A jar full of medicine came out of the bag and the man placed it on the path, grabbed the pack and backed away several steps.

"I brought the medicine for the girl. I don't want to have anything more to do with those men."

"Then why work for them?" Lucas' voice was stern.

"My son has been ill for a very long time and the herbs to manage his illness are very expensive."