Bonding in the Water

"In order to save you when your mana went out of control a spirit descended and imparted you with their power. In doing so they emblazoned new mana channels into your body."

"Mana channels?"

"Yes, they are the reason we can use magic like my healing magic."

"I remember a spirit from memories that are not my own."

"That was very likely the spirit who came that day. Though I fear she may have hated men for taking so many of our memories away."

"Yes… I believe men almost killed her at one point. My ancestor saved her life. Why do I know that?"

Lucas kissed Eva's cheek to calm her.

"My head hurts."

"It's okay. Just relax for now. You can think more deeply about it at a later time."

Lucas picked her up and carried her back to the water's surface. He stripped what remained of his armor, his boots, and removed his shirt.