Arriving in the New Port City

As Lucas reached the area where he battled the giant snake, he saw that the men had completely dissected the corpse and moved it off the roadway. The wagons at the front had already started moving past the area.

The map had said this area was still safe, but maybe that had changed since the last time he scouted this area. It was concerning that the high mana zones were spreading and changing the ecology of the nearby areas.

In the future, it would be wise to travel in a smaller caravan. There were just so many things they needed to move from the Capital to their territory. Since the area they were moving to had been constantly overrun by monsters, it was almost as if they were starting from nothing.

The port would be finished soon, so maybe taking a ship would be faster in the future. He would need to inform August that more patrols needed to be sent along the roads.