Lucas Giving Eva Space

Thinking that she just needed some space, Lucas returned to their bedroom. However, the bed only grew colder as the night dragged on. At some point, he had rolled onto his side and just stared at the empty spot that Eva usually occupied. He sighed as he got out of their bed and pulled a robe on.

His usual silent steps felt loud to his ears as he peeked into the nursery where Eva had made a bed on the sofa. The crib had been moved to sit beside her, and she was holding Arya's hand through the side. The crib was positioned in such a way that he could not reach Eva unless he moved it. It seemed intentional to keep him away.

Lucas raked his hand through his hair and debated doing just that. He could probably lift it and move it silently enough. It was not like it was incredibly heavy. However, he knew Eva would be angry with him if she woke up in their bed instead of here. Even in her sleep she had a resolute expression on her face.