Patience Waning

The group had traveled for a few weeks at this point. Eva had given up on staying awake as they traveled. She was simply too exhausted and relied upon Lucas to carry her. Her stomach was already showing growth, but he never complained of her obvious growing weight as they traveled.

Lucas spent his time doting on her and not letting Eva out of his sight. It felt like the iciness that stood in between them had melted naturally much to Leyla's unhappiness. Every touch and not so secret glances between the couple made her want to scream or cut down Lucas once more.

However, the stern stares from Lee reminded her she was no match for him and that Lee would intervene if she tried. So, she gritted her teeth and continued scouting around them so that they could travel safely through the mountains on this impossible mission. It was madness, and each day she felt like Eva was closer to imminent death.