Dance With Me (Ch.32)

'Do you want me to be?' The voice came again and Kaylani passed a glance at Summer who was clearly oblivious to all that was going on.

'Ok... that's it!' Kaylani thought, she was completely done with this whole paranoia game, she wanted to know exactly what this vampire was playing at and she wanted to know it now.

How many times had she let herself loose her calm to this extent? The answer was simple... never, not for the past ten years.

Kaylani would not tolerate some creature from fantasy books messing with her head at this time, not even if he had the ability to drink her dry in the blink of an eye.

Kaylani admitted that bone chilling fear was still right there, but she had never been one to run from her fears... rather she confronted them, even if that fear came in the form of a bundle of sexiness and fangs.

Summer had been unknowingly dragged into this, Kaylani could not let it continue.