Uneventful Sundays and Slow Mornings (Ch.44)

Kaylani's eyes fluttered open tiredly, glancing over at the clock, she saw it was exactly 5:00am.

This was a Monday morning and Monday mornings were usually busy and rushed for Kaylani, but not this one.

Kaylani had ensured to turn off her alarm since she would not be needing to rush out by 5am, not for her week off at least,

And so there had been no need to set an alarm since Kaylani intended to sleep in for the first time in almost three months.

However just like clockwork, Kaylani had still awakened at 5am sharp and she guessed there was nothing she could do about a routine her body was already accustomed to.

After returning from the club in the early hours of Sunday morning, Kaylani's Sunday had passed by uneventfully and though Kaylani had expected she would be spending the day with Summer,