His Way (Ch.47)

Kaylani ran a hand through her hair, she could not believe her car was out of commission in such a critical situation and taking a cab or calling an Uber was simply not an option, it would take too much time.

The subway was too far and so was the bus stop, whatever Kaylani did at this time would cost her valuable time and she already was sure not to arrive in time since she lived an hour away from the hospital.

This was why Kaylani hardly ever returned home during shifts but stayed in the hospital apartments reserved for surgeons, so she would always be close enough to see to any emergencies.

This was supposed to be Kaylani's week off, it was the only reason she had returned home yet it was only Monday, the very first day of her week off and look what happened.

"Fuck!" Kaylani swore in anger as she pondered over the best course of action, contemplating calling up Summer before her gaze landed on Kelevi who merely stood, staring at her.