It's My Milk (Ch.52)

Kelevi stepped out of the hospital building, still holding Kaylani in his arms.

She had not regained consciousness yet and Kelevi had insisted on taking her home with him after the doctor had taken a look at her.

The doctor had said it was fatigue, she had overworked herself and her body needed the rest. 

Kelevi had thought as much, he could see the exhaustion on his beloved's face and he could hear it in her heartbeat. 

  Kelevi strode away from the hospital surrounding till he got to an area devoid of people, there he broke into a dash, the wind whipping past his hair.

Soon, Kelevi arrived right outside his mansion and just as he was about heading into his mansion, he paused and thought over it again.

'She would not want to awaken in a strange environment.' Kelevi decided, 

Although Kaylani seemed to have momentarily dropped her wariness of him, Kelevi did not want to take chances.