Report (Ch.61)

Kelevi's hands clenched into fists, battling against his predator, his eyes flashing with a deadly light as his fangs elongated, piercing into his bottom lip.

Kelevi struggled to restrain himself as he felt his blood lust come over him.

It was not often that Kelevi lost control over his form, but ever since he had first set eyes on Kaylani, 

Kelevi had more often than not found himself in a position where he could hardly maintain his calm when she was in the picture.

Although Kelevi already knew his beloved held another man in her heart, no amount of preparation could have gotten him ready for the searing ache that ripped through his heart to see Kaylani in the arms of another.

Kaylani was his, she was his woman, she had always been. It was the Creator's design, and although she didn't know it as clearly as Kelevi did, although she didn't understand it,