Your Word (Ch.72)

Kaylani stared at Tyler for a moment before she glanced down at the package warily, somehow she felt reluctant to open it but she shoved aside her apprehensions.

Her father's methods were not new to her, even if she tossed out the package, he would only send a new one and so Kaylani knew either ways, she could not avoid opening the package at some point.

Kaylani unwrapped it slowly and her heart sank when the wraps fell off to reveal a photo of Damon in an intimate embrace with a woman outside his home.

"This..." Kaylani stuttered, the familiar face of the woman in the photo making it impossible for Kaylani to have any doubts of the genuineness of the photo.

How could she when the face of the woman in the photo clinging unto a man Kaylani had called hers was that of his ex girlfriend?

Kaylani felt a chill run through her as she flipped to the next photo, each taken in different locations... locations Damon had supposedly gone on a business trip to.