Playing With Fire (Ch.74)

"It's beautiful... you are beautiful." Kelevi said in a low, husky tone.

"How did I get involved?" Kaylani asked whilst laughing, there was just something about Kelevi that made her feel so unsettled yet so at ease at the very same time.

Kaylani was not certain what it was, but she knew her heart had already accepted that this man before her eyes was not a monster.

"The yacht might look big but they're only four rooms here, other than mine, one belongs to Brutus, the other is my mom's and the third is Killian's."

"The key to Killian's room should be with Brutus, I'll just wash up and get it for you." Kaylani offered.

Kelevi's porcelain features scrunched up into a slight frown as he shook his head in disagreement.

"Can't I just be here...with you?" Kelevi asked hopefully.

  Kaylani bit her lip slightly as she thought over Kelevi's words for a moment before she nodded.