You're Not Like Him (Ch.82)

Before the scream could escape Kaylani's lips, the hooded man moved, appearing behind Kaylani, his bloody hand lifting up to cover her lips, stopping her from making any sounds.

Kaylani felt the wetness of his hoodie soaking into her own white tee and the metallic scent of blood overrode her senses as she felt the liquid against her lips and even tasted it on her tongue.

Disgust churned within Kaylani, the mere thought that all of this blood had been drained out of a living person had her dinner churning uneasily in her stomach,

But the terror that gripped her was far greater than her disgust and overpowered every other thought or consideration.

"Shhh... good girls don't scream." The hooded vampire whispered in a dark, hollow tone.

His voice sounded right beside her ears and his breath fanned against her neck, making that metallic smell even more pungent.