She Is Mine (Ch.90)

"And it should have stayed that way. Why have you come up to the mortal realm?"

"And for what purpose do you take possession do you take possession of my kin?" Kelevi hissed in a dark, terrifying tone.

"Now... what is the hurry? It took you long enough to find Yivgrath out,"

"Yivgrath was getting rather comfortable... settling in here quite well." The demon murmured, 

"The air here in the mortal is so refreshing, devoid of that smell of fiery embers and ash of the demon realm."

"Human blood seems to taste even better than Yivgrath remember."

"Yivgrath sees why the Fanged is so taken with it, perhaps Yivgrath might consider a change of diet too..." The demon continued, completely ignoring Kelevi's question.

Kelevi knew what the demon was doing, he was biding his time to launch his attack at an unexpected moment where he believed he could catch Kelevi off guard.