I Will Hold Your World Together (Ch.103)

Kaylani jogged down the streets at a steady pace, her headset over her ears, blocking out every other sound with the loud music.

It was finally a weekend again and Kaylani did not have to go into work today, instead she had woken up as early as she usually did only because it had been far too long since she last went out on a jog.

Kaylani's muscles had begun feeling stiff and she knew she needed a stretch. She had slipped out of the house before Damon woke up and was just now heading back.

Kaylani was still some distance from Damon's mansion but she was in no hurry at all since she had the entire day to herself.

As Kaylani jogged, she suddenly felt that cold, chilling feeling that left her back stiffening, that deep and intense feeling of being watched.

Kaylani groaned slightly as she tried to ignore it but try as she might, the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end and there was a tugging feeling in her gut.