Paying A Visit (Ch.108)

Kaylani frowned as the scene showed a hurt looking Tania, whatever Damon had said to her clearly affected her deeply and Damon looked regretful.

Damon being Damon could not hold his ground seeing Tania shed tears and so he reaches for Tania and pulls her into his arms as she holds unto him, sobbing.

Kaylani could see it clearly that the two still held affection for each other and she shook her head slightly.

As the recording played, the two pulled away and then engaged in light conversation.

However just at that moment, Tania placed a hand on Damon's shoulder, it seemed like a light touch but Damon went flying right off the balcony.

Kaylani's eyes widened in alarm as she watched the scene, Tania's hand shot up to her mouth in horror and in the blink of an eye, she vanished from view.

"What the hell?" Kaylani asked aloud, not certain she understood what she had just watched.