Another Greater Demon (Ch. 117)

A clap of thunder resounded through the air followed by a blinding bolt of lightning that tore through the sky.

To the mortals it would seem like just any thunderstorm, but there were those who knew this was much more than just a thunderstorm.

And amongst those were the Fanged, guardians of the realm who resided in the Blood Claw Palace.

Kelevi's eyes snapped open from where he sat on his throne and his brows furrowed into a deep frown as his senses alerted him to a thick aura of demon magic.

The aura was so intense that Kelevi was sure without a doubt that what he had long suspected was true.

The doors to the throne room were opened and Lord Terin hurried in with his beloved Jodi not too far behind, a grim look could be seen on their faces.

"My King, it is as you said. A portal from the demon realm was opened." Terin reported,