Mr Weston 3 (Ch.123)

Dawn would be upon the Evercrest City soon and still yet, Mr Weston stood frozen in place outside the office building of Sawyer Energies.

Once dawn arrived, a new work day would begin and Mr Weston would loose this opportunity of sneaking his way into Sawyer Energies and dealing havoc like Minmayor had bid him to.

Though he had stated his conviction of refusing to fall down the path of the wrong, his heart was still filled with regrets and despair... and because there still were these feelings, Minmayor's job was not done.

For the past few minutes, Minmayor had been staring at this human and he had just stared, neither saying nor doing anything.

It was not that Minmayor had run out of ideas, the demon of mischief could never run out of ideas and he had never once failed to trap a victim, both human and otherwise.