Demon Venom 2 (Ch.147)

"Help! Somebody help!" Kaylani called out as Kelevi crumbled down in her arms and she fell to her knees to curb his fall, her knees made a hard impact with the walkway but Kaylani could not be concerned with that.

There was a trail of blood pooling at their feet and soaking into Kaylani's jeans at a rapid pace, Kaylani was certain there was no part of her that was not already soaked in Kelevi's blood and as she saw the red liquid flow behind him, a choked sob escaped her lips.

Kaylani knew if Kelevi had been a human, he would already be dead, he was losing too much blood at such a rapid pace yet there was no way to stop the bleeding.

Kaylani had never felt as helpless as she did in this moment, all her knowledge of medicine was of no use to Kelevi and he could die right here in her arms and there would be nothing she could do.

She had saved so many lives, yet now that she was so desperate was when there was absolutely nothing she could do for him.