By Merit Or By Noble Birth? (Ch.40)

"No." Weylyn responded in a blank tone as she strode past Kinlor Frazzer and secured her horse rein around a tree.

Everyone went about their own business, preparing for a short moment of rest before the party would depart again at dawn,

After which there would be no further stops as they would arrive the Eastern settlements by mid day.

Ridorl had lit up small bonfires while Knight Bolev's mage, Kester who cultivated the air element ensured the smoke trail did not rise above the canopy of trees before dispersing.

No one needed to make any requests, they worked in perfect tandem and each person already knew what they were meant to be doing.

Weylyn could see a deep bond had been formed amongst the Knights of the circle over years of quests, battles and bloodshed together.