The Elf In The Cabin (Ch.56)

The goblin was of a slightly taller height than all the others Weylyn had seen, standing at a little over 4ft in height, with dull yellow eyes and a greenish-gray skin covered in large warts.

It looked to be more of a dwarf than a Goblin and it's width was large and round with a bulging stomach the size of a big round ball, that extended far before it.

It's arms were long, coming all the way down to it's ankles and ending in sharp, unsightly claws,

The armor he wore was rusty and could hardly cover the bulge of his stomach, instead stopping just above it, while his thigh high boots were both of a different color, one a brown leather and the other a black leather.

There was a small curved blade strapped to his waist, and his long hooked nose hung down to below his lips, covering his sharp rows of teeth from view.

His breathing was fast and loud as though he snored when he was merely taking in normal breaths.