There Can Only Be One Meaning (Ch.60)

As Knight Bolev dashed through the woods, his feet barely made contact with the ground before springing up again.

Knight Bolev was not only gifted with the mind strength of will, his body strength was among the most refined, hence his speed was naturally far greater than that of a human.

It had been a short time since they had caught sight of the wildfire and the knights were still headed in that direction.

Knight Bolev came to a stop, lifting a hand to halt the party as he picked up the sounds of wheels moving over the soft forest Earth, the sound was already audible and Knight Bolev was able to guess the weight of the vehicle from the sound.

"A cart is approaching." Knight Bolev said in a low tone as he placed a hand on the hilt of his sword, his gaze narrowing slightly.

This was a forest infested with goblins and there was no telling what exactly was headed their way, in which case they could not avoid direct confrontation any longer.