Verdict (Ch.105)

The Sunthron Forest, the prestigious royal forest of the elven tribes, a place of beauty beyond describing, a place where nature thrived to it's fullest extent.

There was no forest of greater majesty, where life flourished with such excellence as the Sunthron Forest.

This was the seat of power of the Elven race, the heart of the forest people, where all elven tribes and associated races entrusted their loyalties.

All elven tribes across the empires answered to just one rule, that of Satyra, the Elf King and for generations, the human race dominated the realm of light,

Amongst all twelve empires standing strong in the realm of light, the Kinouri Empire was the most magical, with every race and every kind swearing fealty to the crown.

The elven race was amongst the races that had sworn fealty to the Kinouri Empire and to this day, they upheld their vows, never going back on the oath sworn by their ancestors in times long past.