
In a large luxurious and beautiful manor a child was born! 

With the new soul came another soul that was attached like a conjoined twin but on a deeper level.

As the baby was born the sea of clouds covering the sky split open as bright sunlight descended on the manor!

It was as if the universe itself welcomed this child.

This baby's name was Ray Solaris, 7th child and 3rd son to Emily Solaris, wife to the head of the eighth branch of the Solaris family.

She had a beautiful figure and light green hair. She wore a elegant patient gown, that had ruffles along the edges. She was considered a supreme beauty in the eyes of many.

Emily held her baby with a exhausted smile on her face. Although her husband had not come she was glad to see her new baby come out so healthy. 

'Where am I?' A thought appeared in the baby's mind. Which is very uncommon for a baby to know full words.

'Gah gah' Another thought appeared in the baby's mind.

The first mind that spoke could understand the intent in the second thought.

'You don't understand what I said.' As soon as he realized that he tried to speak.

Waaa waaa*

the only thing that came out of the baby's mouth were cries which frustrated the mind of both thoughts.

Their mother on the other hand was delighted to see him cry as it was a good sign for a baby.

"Oh my baby it's okay, your in mama's arms now." A sweet feminine voice whispered wearily.

Hearing these words confused the first mind. 'Mama?' But the second my was immediately soothed by these words as if it's mind had been hugged.

'Oh great sun, I've been reincarnated!' the first mind cheered.

It tried to open the baby's eyes. As they opened a bright light flooded out of them!

'Oh great sun, I've been reincarnated!' the second mind mimicked.

'So that's how a young mind learns' the first mind said which was again mimicked by the second. Little did he know this was an extraordinary phenomenon! 

the thought was interrupted by his new mother's words. "Honey, I'm glad you're here his eyes are glowing like the sun!" Emily said this to a man that walked into the room. 

"He has inherited the founder's eyes." The man with a calm and strong masculine voice remarked.

This man was the head of the 8th branch of the Solaris family, Rowan Solaris. He was a skinny yet muscular man with fiery red hair combed back. He wore a white suit with a light red shoulder cape with the number 8 on it.

Despite his calm demeanor he was excited at the future prospects of having a son who matches the founder.

It was known throughout the whole Solaris family only 12 people had the solar eyes of the founder!

Two held seats as branch heads and the rest were outstanding children who vastly out preformed their peers.

It should be clear this eyes have no real powers but they always signify great potential.

'Ok boy from now on I will teach you, just repeat after me' the first mind said.

'Ok boy from now on I will teach you, just repeat after me' the second mind mimicked.


Half a year passed and the young Ray was already able to speak due to the constant conversations in his mind.

'We always talk so much but you haven't told me who you are?' Ray's mind asked intrigued with how the other knew so much.

'Oh I guess your right I was formerly know as Arthur Solaris the sun king!' Author's mind answers. He was always so focused on teaching Ray he didn't regale him with tales about himself as he would for many others.

'what do you mean formerly' Ray asked curious about this mind he shared a body with.

Arthur explained what happened without having to exaggerate seeing as his story was an epic one!

Until now Arthur's only focus was trying to teach Ray the common tongue and about the different meaning. Now he wanted to boast about his epic tales which Ray was enthralled by.

This lasted until when he was awoken by his mother's voice.

"Good morning my ray of sunshine" Emily said with a smile as she picked up her baby boy.

"Oo monin mama" He said with a smile. Between the two minds Ray had absolute control over the body, but he could temporarily give control over to Arthur. 

Now Arthur was used to this since they practiced talking in private. To Emily however it was like lightning had struck her.

Her son could already talk at 6 months old. Even for talents it should take at least ten. Not to mention the fact that he understood what she said and responded accordingly.

"MY SWEET BOY CAN ALREADY TALK!" Emily yelled in shock attracting a maid to come and check on her. 

They practiced this just for her since Ray thought it would make her happy, and he was right. She picked him up and jumped for joy.

Arthur used to have an adult body so lack of motor function was odd to him.

He constantly improved it though by moving around as much as possible. he's practiced to the point Ray could crawl relatively well and stand for an hour max.

Walking was still a challenge but he was getting progressively better at it.

The desire to find out more about the world drove Ray to consistently crawl into the library.

Now he didn't have the strength to move any of the books so he would cry until someone came to him, usually his mother who was never far.

He would then point at the book he wanted to read and she would read to him.

He had her pick books about the world the lived in since Arthur didn't know much about the planets that used to be under his protection.

Through this Ray and Arthur found out a lot about the world they live on. It was called Terra and it was shared between humans and powerful beasts some of which could control the elements.

(The continent they lived on was the Solarian empire named after their family that controlled it. Although the world itself is controlled by

In this universe creatures could become something they called elemental awakeners or awakeners for short.

This world was more medieval relying more on magic to complete different tasks. Once becoming an elemental though they started to walk the path of cultivation.

Awakeners are separated by different ranks:


[Rank- F]{first step}

[Rank- E]{elementary}

[Rank- D]{devoted}

[Rank- C]{champion}

[Rank- B]{Beyonder}

[Rank- A]{Ascended}

[Rank- S]{Superior}

[Rank- I]{Illustrious}

Each rank was rarer as it went up with the most common being rankless. Each rank was also separated between three stages being basic, advanced, and master.

The power gap also grew wider as one went up the ranks, since with each rank one's power and mana grew. With that [Rank-C]{master stage} being able to take out 10 {advanced stage} enemies of the same rank.

Beasts were also ranked the same but their power exceeded that of the same rank and stage.

Mana is the energy that flows through the universe, it strengthens living beings that can take it in. The mana core in living beings allows them to convert it into elemental powers that awakeners and beasts use. )

After Ray learned of this he created a goal to become the pinnacle of power, and Arthur supported him.

He also wanted to once again stand at the top of the power chart reclaim his former power and make humans the pinnacle race!

Although Emily didn't know exactly what her son was thinking, she was glad to see that he already wanted to learn at such a young age.

She believed he was destined to become a genius who is going to achieve things beyond her imagination. 

She decided that she would nurture this future prodigy son of hers until he became a strong enough to stand on his own!