with help

As he moved through the dark world he heard a deep and ominous voice.

"A summoner how rare." The voice said.

"I can see your in trouble and that your fused with him." The voice spoke again this time it sounded surprised.

'I've heard this voice before.' Gareth chimed in.

"I can see your predicament from the shadows. So how about I help you?" The voice said with hunger.

"Now I know who you are!" Gareth said out loud.

"Your one of the deadly sins!"

"Your correct, I am the sin of gluttony. I can also tell who you are by your voice." Gluttony said with a respectful tone.

"I greet your majesty and king of the abyss, Gareth Blackwell." Suddenly the image of a large man appeared bowing.

"Now that you know who I am, I command you to grant you sigil to this boy. He is my successor!" Gareth said with his voice booming and echoing throughout the dark world.

"Yes, your majesty." Gluttony said as he raised his head then his hand towards Greg.

Greg felt a burning sensation on his tongue. He stuck his tongue out and he could see a insignia in the shape of a mouth with sharp teeth on it.

Gluttony then explained.

"With this mark you gain control of the demon earth element and the power of hunger. The power of hunger will make itself obvious when you leave the dark world." He said and suddenly disappeared with a flash of flame.

Greg left the dark world and appeared under a wolf. he quickly ripped it apart with his claws as the blood flowed into his mouth he could feel his stomach growl.

[Hunger]{After the user eats 4 pounds of a living or recently dead organism he will gain 10% increase in physical ability and another 2% increase after every 4 pounds eaten. This effect will last for three hours after the requirement of an increase is met and it is limited to 200% increase.}

The other wolves were quick to react so he started tearing into the now dead wolf with his teeth. He quickly gulped down the disgusting tasting meat until he felt his power increase. this boost in power was not little as he continued to eat the wolf at an even greater speed until it was all gone.

During this feast the other wolves kept shooting spikes of blood at him however he ignored them and the pain they inflicted.

Greg's pain tolerance has been greatly temper due to all of the abuse he has endured throughout the coarse of his life.

When he finally finished his meal, he had gained a giant 60% percent increase in his physical abilities!

"Let's try out that new element!" Gareth said with anticipation. Greg agreed and started selecting his target.

He targeted the wolf farthest from him and a twisted thorn spike of pitch black broke through the ground and pierced the wolf's head, killing it instantly!

After seeing the power of the stone the largest wolf went on alert while the other wolves rushed forward to attack.

One wolf that was rather close pounced forward to bite Greg with a body reinforced by blood, but it was stopped by a black earth pillar driving into it's stomach crushing it's bones and flinging it away.

Two others were about to bite his back but with a whip of his tail he sent one sailing into another with multiple bones crushed!

He ran over to them and began to eat them as well.

'This skill is simply too overbearing. In a fight against many I can become almost invincible.' Greg thought as he finished eating the two wolves and his percent had reached 160%!

He felt a rush of adrenaline as the new power went into him. His [hunger] skill already reached level 2.

He ran at the wolf boss like a madman and ripped apart any wolf that tried to stand in his way. Bones were broken and blood was thrown about as he moved forward.

Finally the wolf boss was in reach.

However he abruptly stopped as he saw what the wolf did.

It put it's front paws out and buried it's head into the ground.

It was surrendering.

This wolf was not dumb or it wouldn't have made it as far as rank-C. The other wolves stared while staying as still as statues.

suddenly an angel and a demon started talking his mind.

"You should spare it, master. It has already given up and maybe you could take it's whole pack." Quill staying on the side of innocence in Greg's heart.

"IGNORE THE BIRD, KILL THE WOLF, EAT IT'S CORPSE AND CORE." Gareth roared as he sided with the evil in Greg's heart.

After looking at the poor wolf and thinking it over Greg finally came to a decision.

He would side with neither.

He lifted his hand and black earth spikes burst through the ground impaling all the weaker wolves and the only one left was the wolf boss.

This action consumed a lot of mana but it also showed the power of the black stone. No wolf was able to dodge this attack.

Greg grabbed it's head and shoved it in the direction of all the wolves.

The wolf boss was angered and terrified! All of it's underlings had been killed that quickly!

'WAS THIS MONSTER TOYING WITH US? DID HE JUST WANT TO TAKE OUT HIS GRUDGES? WHAT DID I DO TO THIS BEAST TO DESERVE THIS!' The wolf boss thought as he was dragged in front of his pack member's corpse.

Greg shoved his pointer finger into the head of the once alive corpse.

Then he pulled it out and and dragged it down the wolf boss's head enough to hurt but not break skin or bone.

He brought the wolf's ear close to his and with a sinister voice he finally spoke. "You will obey me from now on. Bark if you understand."


The wolf boss was shivering as Greg let it go. It just stared at him devoid of any emotion but its mind was filled with despair, happiness, anger, and most of all fear.

Greg put his large scaly hand on the wolf's head. He injected his darkness element into the wolf until he felt a link.

This time it only took a forth of mana and he assumed it was because it wasn't summoned and brought here like Quill. However his mana had been mostly drained by the constant use except for this one fourth left.

He quickly came up with a name.

"Your new name will be Claw, is that understood?" Claw barked and wagged it's tail ever so slightly.

Greg checked it's info after seeing it was happy.


[Dark Blood Hound]{Rank-C, master stage}

Elements: Darkness, water

Skills: [Blood strengthen]{level 9}, [Blood harden]{level 6}, [Blood control]{level 2}, [Enhanced senses]{level 12}, [Blood howl]{level 5}, [Blood bound]{level 2}


[Blood strengthen]{ allows user to make the blood in a 50ft radius stronger with better nutrients allowing for more speed and strength.}

[Blood harden]{allows user to harden the blood they are controlling to the point of stone.}

[Blood control]{ allows user to control the blood in them and around them.}

[Enhanced instincts]{gives user better sight, hearing, and smell as well as increasing the strength of other sense relating abilities.}

[Blood howl]{allows user to let out a howl that causes nearby blood to become erratic.}

[Blood bound]{allows user to link it's blood to another and control the movements of the other as long as its mind is weaker.}

Greg collapsed after looking at the wolf's info.

Then his fusion ended.