Escape plan

This f*cking fake fame girl thinks I'm just playing around that 'I'm invited! '?!

How dare she?!

plus So many Lol emojis and 'Lol lol... ' in text!

Who use both?!

Surely, for making me mad!

I threw my Android into the valley of pillows and screamed-

"I'm going to burn the bathroom, kaouro, if you didn't come out right now! "

And surprisingly, it was like the matter of that scream that the bathroom door opened and my little siso came out as a little cute Chinese doll with her shoulder cut little reddish hairs spreading through her crown stepping out carefully-

"Who burnt your tail now?!"

"Not your business!" I twisted my hands and myself away stretching my temples but my evil wicked sister has no match in putting actually kerosene on me!

"Um... let me guess it should be Sai, Isn't it?!"

I kicked my stone feet to the edge of my bed's wood and bit my tongue shrieking!

"That dead meat!"

"Oh my my... my sister is using 'bad' language?!" Diverting the heat of the topic, She flinched mockingly but dread mocking to me-

"Not funny, kaouro!" I clarified with my huge angersome eyes.

But like it is of any use?!

Kaouro took her flinched step forward, with cut hard tongue-

"Threatening to burn the bathroom your sister's in that's not funny!"

"And was it funny that you were in the bathroom for like 15 minutes just to wear your one and only pre-selected one piece dress?!"

But I have my own measures!

That sometime 'infinite small time' I shut my sister's chatterbox!

"Okay okay... stop pulling and let's get going!"

Like here we do!

Case closed!

I nod to her intexts...

"We need escape plan... " I queried looking around to which my evily smirked and said-

"We already have one... "

She walk closer to the only window of the room, esclosed by glass plain, and unlocked swinging both the glass outside in the dark cloudy sky.

"You are specially invited to the party?! " Kaouro asked in innocence and as I thought 'in General'-

"Hmm... " I asked my head up and down looking outside the window at the grassy landscape of our garden.

"Then the inauguration should be done by you! "

If I was some naive, I would have took those mischievous calm words of my as always siso as a dirty joke!

That she is asking me to jump from 10-15 feet without any safety gear?!

Hell no!

But we both knew how real was it!

It's our only way out!

The oldest escape plan which was constructed with that huge fenced shed builted over mom's veggie garden just beyond our room's so called reach along side the about to bloom cheery bloosom tree, If one jumps with even a small fuel, one will land on the thick edge and then we have bloosom tree to get us to ground!

But the problem is that it's been forever a theory!

We had a door to leave from so, we never ever tried any kind of practical over this through Until'today!

But it's not mandatory that my life should only be sacrificed-

"You should go first! "

But, Evil sis looked at me with her evil eyes-

"Who want to kick that dead meat's ass?! "



I square fittedly got out of that minute frame carefully grasping my toes and fingers at that minute ledged outing also attempting not to put any strain to my brand new dress plus trying not to die!

Just a little tighter hold and shivering feets, I was now in perfect position, one wrong step and I am forever going away from all sorts of parties and weirdos of my life!

And the biggest weirdo of my life-my bestie!

I turned my head and got a look of my sister who was investigatingly looking below the least grassy ground beneath and spoke in hush-

"If I die, tell Yuki-"

"Yeah! yeah! I will tell him that You love him! "she intrupted eagerly through her bronze eyes but I shook my head in disagreement, almost losing my balance of the little edge-

"No! tell him he can have my anime set as my legacy! "

But my sister seemed disappointed by my side and sighed-

"Okay with hearts?!"

Still sarcasm?!

"Please, He is my best friend!"

" Yeah totally get it!"

"Get what?! " I asked spanking eyes over the Witch but her gaze shine mischievous-

"Isn't it interesting that at verge of death, you are remembering him in the whole world rather than your Boyfriend?!"

Nuff...It got through my heart!

That my lips got cold and wordless, and I just shed my gaze apart from questions and my heart that was throbbing high inside my chest,

But I couldn't!

Why I was thinking of that weirdo?!

It should have been my prince-Nao!

But Nah...still I could see is Yuki's plain handsome face in front of my eyes!

Dammit, What's happening to me?!

But in the gravity of the Actual reality, I am still like a handing cloth on the window and it's pass 11:30 of all the drama!

And we don't have whole night here!

We have a school to attend tomorrow!

I Refocused on the edge of the estimated strong fencer shed and was ready to shot with trembling me when my sister again poked in between-

"Jump with your fullest but fall quietly...we don't need to wake everybody up! "

"Am I in Anime that I will land like I have a wings?! "

"Just do it! " and she nudged me for real not with her words but with her very own hands!


For a moment, I lost each and every control of my body just I felt like that Newton's apple falling peacefully 10-15 feet down!

Today surely is my last day and I had nothing in my life not even my farewell, first Date or Ren's party then...At last Which is most sobbing-My first kiss which like never meant to happen!

I'm most unlucky girl on this earth!


In freefall,

I drop to almost to my aim, aimlessly!

Onto the wooden ledge with a deep creak sound, It was true even in a little fuel, It was just so close to the window!

My sister who almost attempted to murder me got her skull out the window and glace down at me smiling widely as I Was sitting onto the wooden shed, carefully...not causing any extra cracks or creak sounds!

"God, you're alive!"

"You almost killed me!" I cried looking up at her through her hairs which has almost covered her features in dark!

"Sorry... I got excit-"


Abtruptly, Terrifying creaking and churning sound left us fear striken that I completely laid onto the insufficient edge and kaouro hit inside the room !

And the moment hit by an instant silence!

Well, it wasn't the shed this time!

The door to the main entrance of the house opened and mom came out into dark wearing her usual light shaded night gown.

What is she doing outside?!

"What's it?!" I heard kaurou murmuring but I just witnessed mum through the end edge lying to my stomach with halted breathe!

The supreme, searchingly looked here-there and then up-to the lighten up room of sisters, then sighed and walked back into the door-

"It's no one, honey!' and her fading announcement is heard.

Giving my heart a pump!

Still, I didn't move!

Not Until' everything shushed!

Even the light wind shush!

"Clear?! " kaurou asked rising her head to the window's bottom.

"Clear... "

With no warning, my sister launched herself to the edge without a balance on which I was still lying on with uncontrollably heart rate and the shed again creaked and almost dizzed to it's root!

"UH...No no no...!!! "

"Kaurou, Calm down! we are overweight now! " I deprived myself from yelling still forcefully held her one hand to halt her freaking!

Or else, we are both doomed!