Glades pt2

Oliver and I spent the night searching for Malcolm and the earthquake bombs. I couldn't remember where he hid the damnable things. Once it got close to the morning he and I headed back home.

Once back home I had a little bit of blood and then headed back out, I can move faster without Oliver.

The suit blocked the sun from touching my body so it didn't hurt being out, I turned into a bat and flew away.

As I flew I blocked out all sounds and focused on my echolocation abilities. I flew toward the glades searching for anything that could stand out to me.

There, I felt it something by the train tracks, I flew quickly over there. I spotted the machine and flew down, landing I saw what was built, it was an impressive machine.

I walked over and took out a book, "a pitch-black ring lay in my hand, I turned it over a couple of times playing with it, then I slipped it on my finger, a high-grade storage ring was now in my possession." I read aloud

A pitch black ring appeared over my gloved hand, I smiled, it took me a while but I found a book on cultivation, a paper book to be exact.

I tried on several books on my phone and the magic wouldn't work, sadly only paperback books work with my magic.

This cultivation book doesn't really have any major op items except for the storage rings and some swords. The book flopped hard in Dc, it was a nightmare finding it.

With the ring now on my finger, I touched the earthquake device, it entered my ring the second I thought of wanting it to.

"I love magic," I whispered a large smile gracing my lips under my mask

Once more I turned into a bat and flew into the glades, looking for the second machine, along the way I set up some bombs to replace the machines I am stealing.

They are set in locations that will cause property damage but not kill anyone, the only good thing that came from the destruction of the Glades was the actual change and awareness it gave people.

I might detest the human race as a whole but, it is rather unnerving living next to a place that is only a bump better than Gotham. The glades are truly horrible.

As I flew if I spotted some humans dealing drugs or harming 'innocents' I would simply swoop down, know them out then drain them of enough blood, to still leave them alive then dump them near a bomb.

I spotted the second one and flew down, I repeated the same action of putting it inside my ring. They could be useful for later, idly I checked my phone, my eyes practically bulged at the headline.

Moira Queen is giving a press release from her home in thirty minutes, how could I forget about that?!

I wouldn't care about her spilling the whole nefarious plot but she is my mother, and her actions reflect against my own.

My whole plan for the future could go down the drain simply because she talks, I can't have that.

Dialing my a number quickly I waited for Dembe to pick up, "sir," I heard Dembe's voice

"Dembe, quickly begin driving to the Queen estate, leave a window in the back open just enough for my bat form," I said with some urgency

"On it," he replied

I hung up the phone and began flying, Dembe really has improved around me back in the day he would have said something like, 'right away sir,'.

I spotted Dembe while he was a couple of minutes from the queen estate, and flew through the window, as the window rolled back up I returned to my human form. My suitcase from the harry potter books was on the floor I opened it and walked inside, I had several changes of clothes inside along with a mirror.

I changed my clothes speedily, looking over my attire in the mirror I fixed a couple of the loose strands in my hair, giving myself a confident smile I left the suitcase.

"We are almost there," Dembe told me as I sat back into the car seat

I nodded and replied, "find Walter for me, as quick as possible,"

He seemed confused but nodded nonetheless, I need to find him before someone else does after what I'm about to do.

Pew drove into the driveway and parked the car, getting out we walked toward the front door, and I spotted the media already flooding in.

They tried to approach me and take photos but, Dembe stopped them.

I saw mom getting ready at the podium, the media was flocking around her taking photos, and police officers were in the building.

As she opened her mouth to speak I cut her off, "thank you, everyone, for coming today!"

Everyone turned to me, Moira looked stunned and Thea puzzled, I ignored them and walked over to the podium.

"Thanks, mom!" I said loudly to her giving her a hug

"What are you doing I need to do this!" she whispered hastily to me

I motioned for Dembe to walk over, he walked over and guided her off the podium, she was sending me desperate looks.

I paid her no mind.

"Thank you, everyone, for coming here today, I'm sorry to say this but this press conference isn't a pleasant one," I said with a sad sigh

Continuing I looked at the media, "today is a disastrous day for my family and potentially the lives of many, my family and I recently learned the haunting fact that Walter Steele former CEO of Queens Consolidated, my mom's husband, and my stepfather, along with him being my dads best friend has done something horrendous, he along with Malcolm Merlyn plan to blow up the Glades," I announced everyone drew a breath

I faked a pained expression, "Malcolm Merlyn along with Walter and many others have planned to destroy the glades, this will kill many innocent civilians to die, they have already killed others in their pursuit of madness, Adam Hunt, Frank Chen, and my father," a fake tear dripped down my cheek

"He married my mother to have access to our funds, killed my father to become the CEO, and when I took over the company I began to see anomalies, when I got close he fled disappearing to god knows where leaving the madman known as Malcolm Merlyn to complete this agenda. My family and I begs of you, to leave the glades, and get as far away as possible,"

"Please we beg you," I finished with fake tears now streaming down my face

As I stepped down from the podium the media swarmed toward me and my family, Dembe and the police blocked them as best they could.

I stepped forward and said, "please stop everyone, my family is going through a tough time, we didn't know until right before we scheduled this press conference what they were planning, or how insidious Walter Steele really is, my mother is heartbroken. I want to say this, the Queen family will do everything in our power to bring him and Malcolm down, we will also stop at nothing to bring support to those in the glades."

As the reporters left only Moira, Thea, Dembe, and I remained, "Lucas what have you done?" Moira asked her voice sounded broken

"I did what I must to protect this family," I replied firmly my eyes were cold

"Walter is innocent," she cried

I didn't reply as I began to leave, "what is happening!" Thea shouted

"I'm leaving, Moira can tell you," I replied

"Dembe stay here and watch them I don't want them to do something stupid, also reach out to our friends they should provide useful in finding Walter," I whispered to him

He nodded, "No tell me now! Roy is in the Glades!" Thea shouted

I didn't reply as I left, I have work to do.

As the sky darkened the city was thrown into chaos, I spotted Oliver over the defeated Malcolm, as the explosions rang in the skies Oliver and Diggle left the rooftop leaving Malcolm alone.

I flew down and gripped his face, my eyes bore into his as I started to input my mental commands.

Once done I left the roof, this was much better than killing him.


I have debated with myself over the glade incident since I started this ff, this was the best idea I came up with. I know the spatial ring was kind of a cop-out but, I literally couldn't find anything in literature that had the same function.