Barry Allen

-Lucas Pov-

I had to stop myself from laughing seeing the flash like this, I can literally best myself thinking about how he needs to be confident and relaxed to play off the illusion of him being allowed here.

This was a rare opportunity, the flash's brain works so fast that his thoughts would be almost impossible to read, much like what I found when facing Superman, although that had another layer to it seeing as I had to dodge and weave during the one meeting I had with him. Always, this is a rare opportunity because this isn't the flash at least not yet, this is Barry Allen the normal forensic scientist.

I planted some light seeds in his mind, nothing too daunting I don't know if martian man hunter exists and if he does then the mind compulsions could work against me instead of with me.

"Oh? And why is a forensic scientist from Central city all the way over here?" I asked idly

"That's what I would like to know," another voice sounded, I peered slightly to my left catching the eye of detective lance

"Detective," I said with a small nod which he returned

"I'm following a case with similar circumstances," Barry replied while pulling out his iPad

I saw Oliver and Felicity walk in, Diggle not far behind, "if you would excuse me," I said to the two law enforcement agents and began to walk toward my brother

"So Lucas Queen, pretty interesting guy," I heard barry say having thought I couldn't hear him

"That's what they say," Detective Lance replied gruffly

Rolling my eyes at them I approached Oliver, "what are you doing here?" I asked not mad just honestly confused

Oliver smiled and brought me into a hug, yeah he might be drugged, he has a real knack for that happening.

"Felicity thinks whatever was stolen could be dangerous I came to check it out, I know you aren't one for actually putting in the effort to help people," he whispered

I frowned and whispered back, "in case you forgot I fight things that could crush you with a single word, not petty thugs,"

"Say that to all of the thugs you murdered," he replied

"You asked me to brother," I said a little louder breaking the hug

I looked over at Felicity and frowned, "don't you work for me?"

She pushed up her glasses, "no as of last week I work for Oliver now," she replied

I smirked, "I see, I hope you realize that leaving without proper notice is unprofessional,"

She scoffed, "I think you will find out that I don't care,"

I smiled at that, a cold unfeeling smile. Oliver put his hand on my shoulder drawing my attention, looking at him I simply said, "keep your pet in line Oliver, it's a dangerous world we live in,"

With that, I left the building. I have an important speech to give after all.

"Dembe get me a new suit, that humans presence seemed to filthy it," I said whilst taking it off

"And I thought we made progress," I heard him mumble full knowing I know exactly what he said

"In the past, I would have killed her," I reasoned leaning back in my seat

"I guess you are making progress," was his dry response

-Oliver pov -

"Don't antagonize him, Felicity," I sighed while rubbing my forehead in annoyance

"He framed Walter," she replied I could hear the anger in her voice

"He might want to be a businessman but remember he was on that island too," I replied

"That's right he was, I almost forgot. What was he like? Is he like you?" Diggle asked

"What is that supposed to mean?" I replied

"I meant can he fight like you," Diggle replied cautiously

The idea of another me scares him I noted. If so then he would be terrified to learn Lucas is in a league of his own.

The top.

He was the apex predator on that island.

"Of course, he can. He just doesn't like to," I replied in a calm tone

Diggle and Felicity might be my friends, my best friends currently. They might be privy to many of my secrets, and they might help me fend off the evil that threatens to poison my city but, Lucas is my brother. He is someone that I know for a fact will always have my back even if we act cold and most times barely tolerate the presence of each other.

When your brother asks you to make him seem as the least likely candidate for being Azreal you help just as he would help me.

"You must be Oliver Queen," a voice said drawing my attention

A man held out his hand, "Barry Allen,"

-Lucas's pov later that day-

I stood in the heavy rain, my clothes were now soaked a crowd stood before me, they all had umbrellas and were eagerly awaiting the speech I was about to present.

The media stood to the side, the flash of their cameras bouncing off the rain droplets.

I let the soothing rain fall on me cascading down my face, chest, and legs. It was calming.

Opening my mouth causing my tranquil smile to fade I began to talk into the microphone, "when the horrendous attack on the glades happened, many apartments, buildings, places to eat, and even lives were lost. Everyone that lives in Starling city can tell you one thing. Our hearts go out to the glades. My heart aches when I sleep, trying to forget the sight of people getting crushed under rubble, and buildings falling mercilessly destroying many homes and people's very way of life." I paused taking a deep long sorrowful breath

"Behind me is one of my larger sections of apartments, it was destroyed, along with it the homes of those who lived here. I am proud to announce that Queen Consolidated will now be undergoing a process of rebuilding these apartments into bigger, better, and safer places to live. Those who owned an apartment before the attack can apply for one here and get the first year free. I hope to see everyone live peacefully but, most importantly safely." the crowd began to clap loudly

"Mr. Queen when will construction start?" a reporter asked

"Late next month, I'm not sure the exact date it will be finished but I will be updating everyone," I replied easily before walking off again

As I walked away I spotted someone in the crowd, Emily, I smiled at her and waved.

Getting into the car Dembe began to drive home.

I'm interested to know what the Tome I took from Circe holds, I have been too busy to look and if I'm being honest a little scared.

Magic users are known for heavily protecting their Tomes, the people I 'hired' to take it learned that the hard way when they began to burn, I still remember I was just about to heh the tome when the man started to burn, his skin began to get and his bones turned to ash.

That sight sent a shiver down my back, not because of the tome being guarded but because I was just about to take the tome off his hands.

I am a vampire, I would have suffered an agonizing death.

-Narrator pov -

A man stood atop a tower, a wine glass full of crimson in his hands, he swirled it around before taking a long sip.

We looked up to the moon and spoke, "another of our kind has shown up, neither I nor the ones I know about sired him. This brings up the question, how did he become one of us?"

"What do you wish me to do my lord?" came a seductive voice behind him

The man frowned slightly, "nothing, he will come to us,"

"I see, why did you call me here then?" she asked

"To listen," the man replied indifferently

"I'm not your therapist," she replied bitterly

"No just my slave,"

-end -

A/N: One more chapter of some Green Arrow stuff, then a time skip to the particle accelerator. (for those who were wondering)