Chapter 010 – Changes

[A/N: All caught up with So we are back to a regular schedule. Enjoy!]

[287 AC]

The next morning Phenex stood at the cliff near their house, ready to depart on his journey.

He wore a completely black outfit made out of high-quality silk, with a woolen, hooded cloak. Dawn was in its sheath, strapped to his back next to the Black Sister, as a bag was also slung over his back.

As he stood there, Phenex contemplated the biggest events that had taken place in the last few years.

Two years prior, as Kinvara had already managed to gain control of Volantis by freeing the slaves and kiling most of the nobles in the city. The other Free Cities and Slaver's Bay had decided to intervene, as Volantis was one of their biggest partners when it came to slave-trade.

And while Slaver's Bay had sent some of their own slave armies consisting of approximately 150 ships counting 35.000 men with roughly 10.000 Unsullied.

The Free Cities, including Myr, Lys, Tyrosh and others had hired sellswords including the Golden Company, the Second Sons, The Lost Legion, Stormcrows and many others for a total of 35.000 men plus a dozen war elephants.

They had also directed the several Dothraki Khalasaars with gifts and promises of wealth towards Volantis, assuring them of success with the support of their own mercenaries. The attacking horselords at that time had numered roughly 40.000.

It wasn't that suprising that the other cities reacted so outrageously, as Volantis was not only the oldest, but one of the strongest Free Cities.

Their own militia, which almost completely consisted of slaves, was 90.000 men strong. And after Kinvara had taken over the city with her trusted priests and the Fiery Hand – the Temple's own one-thousand former slave soldiers – the militia had sworn loyalty towards the temple.

Unsurprisngly, there was no better method to make slaves loyal, than burning their master alive before their eyes.

Still, Kinvara had known that, while they could probably win the battle, it wouldn't be without heavy losses and sacrifices, something she had not wanted to see happen.

Every dead man was a person less that couldn't be used to further her Lord's goals, and every lost coin was a coin that couldn't be used to for those same goals. So she had done what every priest in her situation would do, she had prayed for help.

Help she had received.

[Two years prior/ 285 AC]

As Kinvara looked at the approaching sea of armed men – men that wanted to take the city she had conquered for her Lord – she hoped that her Lord would answer her prayers.

She was currently a few dozen miles outside of Volantis, in one of the small towns that were responsible for farming and providing the First Daughter and its inhabitants with food.

She was well aware that most Free Cities that went to battle would sacrifice these small towns to exhaust their opponent's forces, but these small towns all around Volantis housed nearly 5 million people including Volantis itself, along with massive farmland that was absolutely necessary for the survival and stability of Volantis, which meant that they simply had to be protected.

Kinvara though hadn't brought an army with her, but only two other priests and a hundred troops from the Fiery Hand.

She knew the rest of the soldiers would be needed in the battle against the fleet from Slaver's Bay. And even though she herself had become a lot more powerful since she served her Lord, she knew that at most she would be able to take down a few hundred men with her fire magic. Maybe even some of the war elephants, she could already see in the distance.

Still, against this army of 75 thousand men including more than a dozen war elephants and a massive Dothraki cavalry, she knew that she was absolutely powerless.

Nevertheless, she had come here and she didn't intend to fight them in the first place. Kinvara had come here to pray for her Lord's help.

And that was what she did.

Closing her eyes, she began her prayer.

"Lord of Light, cast your light upon us! Lord of Light, defend us! For the night is dark and full of terrors!"

The priests and soldiers she had brought joined her in her prayers. The fearful townspeople, not knowing what to do, also joined, after they had realised that resisting the approaching army was all but impossible.

"Lord of Light, cast your light upon us! Lord of Light, defend us! For the night is dark and full of terrors!"

"Lord of Light, cast your light upon us! Lord of Light, defend us! For the night is dark and full of terrors!"

"Lord of Light, cast your light upon us! Lord of Light, defend us! For the night is dark and full of terrors!"

As the army was less than half a kilometer away and they could already feel the ground trembling from their momentum, something changed.

It was currently early morning and the sun wasn't completely up yet, still light spread around the town and surrounding area as if it had already risen high into the sky.

The source of that light was a fiery figure, entirely comprised of fire, that had appeared on the grassland, standing between the apporaching army and the townspeople.

It was at that moment that all the prayers ceased and silence descended, only the rumbling of hooves and the war cries of the Dothraki could be heard, but the common people were no longer afraid.

It felt like a warm coat of light and protection covered them.

Their prayers were heard and answered!

Kinvara herself could clearly feel the connection, she had towards the fiery figure and knew that her Lord had appeared.

A sword of fire suddenly appeared in the figure's hand, and the fiery avatar pulled his hand back in obvious preparation for a strike.

What happened next would turn even the most skeptical amongst the townspeople into firm believers of the Lord of Light.

A simple swing and only ashes remained.

A simple swing of the flaming sword was all it took and only ashes remained of the colossal army.

Utter silence prevailed in the area, even after the fiery figure had disappeared, at least before some people started to call out for their saviour almost fanatically.

"Azor Ahai was sent by our Lord!"

Only moments later every person present began to chant the name of the ancient hero and champion of the Lord of Light.





The battle against the fleet from Slaver's Bay had also been won rather spectacularly, as they had outnumbered their opponents three to one.

Their numbers combined with the Red Priests fire magic, had been more than enough to defeat the attackers and even sink the majority of their ships. Of course there were losses on the defending side as well, but overall they had achieved a great victory.

Since then, no one had dared to attack Volantis again in fear of the Lord of Light's retribution.

Even though some did not believe the stories about the fiery figure, it was undeniable that Volantis had defended itself against more than 100.000 attackers, with minimal losses.

In the two years that followed, the situation in Volantis had further stabilised and the whole economy had taken a massive leap forward, after the city had recovered from the sudden abolishment of slavery and the corresponding slave trade.

Now the city was ruled by the temple directly and several officials chosen from the common folk by the temple based on their qualifications.

The city's wealth was constantly used to improve the infrastructure and housing situation in the city.

Corruption was basically nonexistent, as all the priests or officials who had tried this had turned to ashes on the spot. Of course the priests and officials earned very well and could afford a luxurious lifestyle, but they had equally great responsibilities and worked very hard.

Phenex had no need for wealth, so he had instructed Kinvara to not hold onto the money, but use it for the betterment of the city.

Nowadays, the people of Volantis truly thought of the Lord of Light as their saviour and his avatar, Azor Ahai, as their protector. In the last two years the city had turned into a heaven compared to most other Free Cities.

There was very little crime, due to regular patrols and harsh punishments.

The law was fair and just, without corruption. The poor were treated with the same justice as the rich. While the poor also didn't have to starve or steal to feed themselves.

The temple had opened up dozens of orphanages managed by low-ranked priests, while they provided food for the poor and even jobs in the temple or the surrounding farmlands, for all those who applied.

The discipline among the soldiers was also great due to a reasonable balance between harsh training and appropiate rewards.

The temples also treated the sick and injured amongst the poor for free, while the rich had to donate a small amount of money. The healing powers of the priests were incredible in comparison to conventional medicine, even though only high-ranking priests were able to deal with more critical wounds.