
Rhand, a planet filled with secrets and obscurity. The planet itself is filled with a Dark Side Nexus, similar to Dromund Kaas, Korriban, and many more. The inhabitants that live on such a planet all appear to be human, but each have distinctive features that separate them from Coruscanti.

Rhand like humans all have brown hair, crimson red eyes, and pale skin. Rhand itself, was a red skied planet with red and ash white plant life as well as mountainous regions towards the North Pole.

All of this is quite irrelevant, for the more important thing is a child that is being born.

Wails of a woman could be heard echoing through a castle. The sounds of chanting could also be heard through the wailing. It seemed to go on for hours, until eventually the cries of a child sounded off. The chanting had come to a stop as a cloaked male seemingly floated over towards a bed. A beautiful woman with silky black hair, beige skin, and dark eyes could be seen in a cold sweat. She panted heavily as the baby cried. It was a boy, one who was floating upwards into the air. She locked her eyes onto the child and gave the infant a small smile.

A towel began to wrap around the infant gently, curling them up and cleaning them of both blood and bodily fluids. The cloaked male had the child move towards the woman, who tiredly grabbed a hold of the child. "Lady Aleema, he is-"

Aleema gave the man a glare, not wanting to hear a word from the man. Then turned her gaze back towards the infant. "Let me have my moment with my child...before we subject him to the future that awaits him."

The cloaked figure seemingly nodded, then turned and began to float off and out of the room. After he was gone, Aleema let out a reluctant sigh.

"My son...I know not what will happen to you when I am gone. However I will tell you this, you must be strong. The galaxy is ever evolving and growing ever dangerous. The Dark Side is growing far stronger than it should, the Light is ever weakening. But you, my son, you will be the one to bring both down. Grow to be a great man, not one of benevolence...but of one of magnificence...Caidus."

Caidus, the infant did his best to open his eyes so he could gaze upon his mother. He cooed softly before slowly dozing off the sleep. If only he knew what sort of training that he would go through.

10 Years Later....

Caidus opened his eyes, finding himself within a dark room. Before him was the cloaked man from before, he was still floating off the floor as if the Laws of Gravity did not apply to him. When Caidus slowly looked up to the man, he found that the robes that he wore were pitch black. The man's face could not be seen, the hood that he wore kept it hidden as well as made it seem that he was peering into a void.

"Tell me Caidus....can you feel it?"

The young boy bore a blank expression on his face, a cold look that had been made upon his face. He simply closed his eyes and began to use a source of power to sense everything around him. He could feel the life outside of his home, the plants, animals, and even his mother.

"Trust your feelings, sense for...IT."

The man's instructions were followed dutifully, Caidus was sensing the Force in it's entirety. He found himself staring into the faces of the Light and Dark. Finding both sides pushing against each other like bickering children. Then Caidus turned his senses towards the area to which his mentor was. The moment he did he saw...


The young boy's voice coming out, echoing in throughout the chamber that he was in.

"Are you certain?" The man questioned curiously, then Caidus saw what the man meant. There WAS something there, it was staring right back at him. The void that was there is what inhabits his mentor right now.

"Yes, the Dark, Entropy was here long before both you and I were brought into existence. It has been here since before even the Force had first formed. During my time with my fellow Sorcerers, we strove to annihilate all vestiges of life to bring about the end of all things. Unfortunately, some found such an endeavor... horrifying."

Caidus listened attentively, not allowing any of his building questions to blurt out of his lips.

"Only I was able to escape the carnage that had come to us. I have lived for many years, centuries even...until I met your mother Lady Aleema Keto. With her magics, and my sorcery, we will train you to become what I could not."

Caidus furrowed his brows upon that last sentence, he wasn't aware that he was going to he molded into something.

"You will become a true Sorcerer, as for what your Destiny will be...that is to be seen."

Caidus could swear that his mentor was smiling or had some sort of smirk on his face. He didn't know why but he felt that the man was quite amused about something. Was he hiding something from him?

"Now then, let us continue..."

For the next couple of hours, Caidus and his mentor began their meditation. It was in some ways normal, yet for these two it was by far quite different. For Caidus and his mentor, they were using this meditation training to fuel themselves with the Dark, Entropy.

For them, it was a source of power like the Dark Side but far worse. From what Caidus was told by his mentor, this power allowed quite a few Sorcerers like his mentor to remain in the physical plane for many centuries. Although, their detailed appearances was alarming even for his mother. One description that the boy heard was that one's skin was turned inside out. The most comparable thing amongst them despite appearances was one important detail. All Sorcerers do not walk, they hover above ground.

Caidus' training under this Sorcerer was primarily to teach him the ways of the Force. That said once he understands how to use it, then he will learn the Ways of the Sorcerer. Unlike the Nightsisters of Dathomir who performs Dark Side rituals like mad women. The Sorcerers of the Unknown Regions are almost unheard of, but their presence in the Force is felt....when they wish of it.

Entropy in many ways is like the Dark Side and could be mistaken as such. Unfortunately, it is by far more dangerous than that of the Dark Side. It allows it's wielders to live past the natural lifespan of their species. Take up forms both hideous and nightmarish, as well as being able to view past the veil of the future, Darksight. If one was gifted enough, they could even remain within the physical plain without their physical body.

Caidus continued his meditations, going into a sort of trance. That was when he could feel it coursing through him. The Will of the End, Entropy. It's tendrils connecting itself to him like a cord to a device. When his eyes opened, they were dark, almost pitch black. It sent a rupture within the Force when he was fully connected to Entropy.

His mentor was quick to shield his student, knowing the prying eyes of both Light and Dark would want to see who was awakening their power.

"Caidus", the Sorcerer called, "Remember this one truth about the galaxy that we live in. No one adores those who hold power over them. Those that do, are the ones who are most likely to betray and kill you. The closest of betrayals happens with those whom you believe them to be as close as family. The power to destroy is a great power, we Sorcerers were not given gifts that allowed us to destroy much. But what I have seen in your future...it will bless you with boons that you cannot even imagine."

Caidus nodded his head, and when he closed his eyes everything seemed to go quiet.

Five Hundred Years Later...

When Caidus next opened his eyes, he found himself in Naboo. Specifically speaking he was on Theed, he had aged well and still retained his flesh and blood. The clothes that he wore was actually taken from the Sith homeworld of Korriban, reforged to suit his needs. The armor was that of the Sith, Darth Bane. All that was not taken was the Sith's helmet, for that was already made for him. Caidus was walking through the streets of this beautiful city, it's peaceful nature both sickening him and bringing calm to him. The cape that adorned his armor hung rather loosely and towards his feet.

As the Sorcerer walked through Theed, he looked up to see starships approaching the outskirts of the city. He squinted his eyes to see the reason for why he was there.

"So it begins.."

As he said those words, he could hear the Nabooians beginning to panic and run to their homes. The Trade Federation has begun a hostile takeover of Naboo. With the use of the powerful ability Darksight, Caidus has seen two possibilities of the future.

In one Future, the galaxy goes into an inferno of chaos that would bring death by stagnation and a repeating cycle.

In the other, he saw a golden age where the Force can no longer influence it's puppets to do as it wishes. Despite what many believes, the Force is a living thing and it directs all to it's whims and machinations.

Caidus was currently choosing the latter future, wanting to prevent such a cycle to encompass all. Entropy would get it's destruction, it just wouldn't be that soon.

The Sorcerer turned and began to calmly walk to the Palace of the elected Queen. He knew what he was to do, whom he would encounter, and what he had planned to say. As he walked, there was two things to note on his belt. One appeared to be a sword hilt with no blade attached to it. The other, a lightsaber hilt of no known design. The sword hilt was the weapon of a Sorcerer, only used in dire needs.

The other was a Forcersaber, a weapon made by the ancient Rakatans. It was like a pseudo lightsaber that required the use of the Dark Side to ignite and use it. For Caidus though, he requires the use of Entropy to use the both blades.

As Caidus approached the Palace, he saw the Royal Guards stationed outside look at him. The now full grown man had his hood covering his features. A cold and blank expression adorned his face as he walked. One of the Royal Guards went to intercept him, not knowing what the Sorcerer what do to him.

"Excuse me sir, but this is the Palace of Queen Amidala-"

Before the Royal Guard could finish his sentence, he felt as if he couldn't breathe anymore. As if the area around him seemed to just lose it's oxygen in the area. The Sorcerer had stopped, glanced back at the Guard, and showed his true eyes. The eyes of Entropy was looking back at the Guard, the man felt the very soul within him shiver. It was as if that saying about the Abyss staring back at you was true. The Abyss, Entropy, was looking directly at this man...and he just blinked.

Caidus kept looking at the Guard for a time, before eventually turning his attention back forward and entering into the Palace. Once inside, that was when his feet left the ground. He was floated several centimeters from the fine marble floor, floating above it. Then he floated off, moving up the stairs to find the Queen.

It would be another few moments before he heard the clanking heels of Trade Federation droids entering the Palace. Caidus came to a halt outside of the Queen's personal chambers after having made several of her guards faint due to them just feeling Entropy's Pressure, or when he required them to rest through it's Will.

With a chime from the door, he heard a professional voice from the occupant inside.


Caidus entered the room, still floating off of the floor with Entropy's power as his aid. He came to a stop several meters from the Queen of Naboo herself. The woman had assumed that it was the Captain of the Royal Guards, Panaka. When she turned her gaze towards Caidus however, she found her eyes widening in surprise.

"Good afternoon, Queen Amidala", Caidus greeted with an icey cold tone, "I am here because of the current predicament that you find yourself in. Fret not I have killed none of your guards, they will awaken shortly and come here and attempt to apprehend me. What I am here for is you..."

The Queen listened to his words attentively now, believing that he could be an assassin sent by the Trade Federation. The theory was pushed aside when she heard his short explanation.

"Me?" She questioned, doing her best to not sound afraid.

"Yes you, I am here to make sure that you can find assistance outside of Naboo."

Queen Amidala frowned now, before turning to look back through her large window. "You wish for me to turn tail and run when my people needs me most."

"What good are you with a people who will resent you for staying and doing nothing?"

That caused the Queen to glare at him now, finding his words to he a taunt. Then she slowly thought over it, and let out a reluctant sigh. What good would she be to her people who are incapable of defeating these droids? She required the aid of the Republic, but the droids were already in the castle rounding everyone up. Just as she was about to respond, Captain Panaka rushed into the room with blaster at the ready with several guards behind him. "Your Majesty!"

The concern in his face caused Caidus to internally chuckle. Finding such loyalty amusing and interesting. When the Sorcerer turned his ire onto the men, they immediately raised their blasters at him prepared to fire. What stopped them from doing anymore was the voice of their queen.

"Stand down Captain."

Panaka looked at the Queen with a confused expression, not sure he heard her right. "Your Majesty?"

"I said, stand down", She repeated then glanced over at Caidus, "I assume that the diplomats that the Republic sent to negotiate with Nute Gunry failed?"

The Sorcerer shook his head before answering her question. "They did not fail, Nute Gunry simply did not wish to negotiate at all."

That caused the Queen to gain a serious expression now, understanding what that means. "Captain, gather my handmaidens and anyone who has not been captured yet."

Reluctantly, he nodded then turned to do what was ordered. Until he peeked his head out and gained a scowl. "Droids, a whole squad of them!"

"I will deal with them, I shall meet you at the hanger your majesty."

When Caidus said those words, his feet finally touched the floor. Entropy had begun to empower him in another way now. He walked calmly out of the room passing the other guards with Panaka. They each gave him mistrusting and scornful looks. Though that ended once they witnessed what he was about to do.

The Sorcerer stepped out of the Queen's personal chambers. His eyes began to darken as the area around him lost it's oxygen. The Droid squad leader with it's brethren behind it raised their blasters.

"Identify yourself." It ordered, then watched as Caidus reached with an outstretched hand towards it.

Before it's processors could figure out what he was doing, it was immediately crushed into nothing scrap metal. The other battledroids processed what just happened then immediately pointed their weapons at him. To their surprise, the witnessed the ignition of a blade. The Forcesaber that was hanging comfortably on Caidus' belt had been ignited with a golden fiery glow. It's blazing orange blade illuminating the hall that he was in.

"I require your destruction..."