✴Chapter One: A World of Sand✴


The golden sands of the desert shift as the air above them begans to twist and churn. A swirling vortex of rainbow hued energy suddenly appears in a crackling snap. Seconds later, after the strange vortex opened motes of golden light begin to gather and shoot out of the swirling vortex.

They begin to form into a distinct humanoid shape. The particles of light vanish as they softly lower the person down to the sand. They are wearing a dark grey cloak, their facial features hidden by the cloaks hood. The faint sound of clinking armor could be heard as the person moved.

The cloaked person struggled to stand, as if they had forgotten how to walk. Slowly they figure it out after a couple of unsteady steps, their gait and movement becomes more confident. The cloaked figure turns to face the swirling vortex and watch's the vortex close.

It shrunk and disappeared with a snapping pop. A passing breeze blows by, carrying sand and causing the figures grey cloak to move a little. The person turns to face and stare out at the sea of sand, they straighten their back and began walk into the hot Vyruza Desert.



Waterfalls of sand drift down from the Vyruza Desert surrounding the massive and deep Sindar Canyon. The grains glitter as sunlight touches them, the sand falling into the dark depths below.

Eventually they fall into the deep cavernous, underground lakes that form into the Oceanite Eldyne Cluster dotted sand beaches. Aquatic life blooms in and out of the lakes. Aqua aligned Rayajinn lurk in the lake's dark waters and bask on the sandy shores.

High above the Sindar Lakes, the red and beige stone walls of the tall canyon warm up as the hot sun shines on them. The Upper Sindar Dockyards hanging just over the steep drop of the Canyon are crowded as ususal.

Travelers from off planet and other settlements await passage and space for their wares. Airships travel along the wide trench of the Canyon, the soft hum and burst of there thrusters filling the air. A few miles and hours below the canyons edge is the bustling town, Alora.

Rays of Solreans light drift down from the upper levels of the canyon and touch the Lower Sindar Dockyards, co-owned by the Traversa League and Interplanetary Myakat Merchants.

Metal docks supported by hover-pads protrude outwards from the edge of the ledge, large chains and metal beams bolted to the steep cliff of the ledge keep the docks steady and in place.

Airships float anchored to some of the docks, large chains keep the ships tied to the metal docks. Beyond the ships are the Alora Outskirts, a collective mish-mash of buildings made from scrapped ship hulls and metal. Cargo and other such things are stored from the ships into the Warehouses that line the edge of the Airship Dockyards.

The sound of crews and merchants yelling out to each other echo across the Alora Outskirts, repair shops and forges buzz and ring as mechanics and metalworkers go about their day. A wide sandy stone road spilts the Outskirts in two, smaller roads run off it into the deeper parts of the Outskirts.

Following the Main Road gives way to the rest of the town. Alora is built on a thick and sturdy stone ledge, the town itself is carved out of the wall the massive ledge extends out of.

One half of the town is shaded by the man-made cavern that was created from the stone used for the town. This part of the town is simply called the Solwain District. The Mayors Mansion and other important people's houses are located in this district, an I.M.M. owned Myan Bank looms just at the shaded border between the two halves of the town.

The Aqua Couriers HQ is also located in the Solwain District, the cool shady cover the man-made cavern helps keep the water they collect from evaporating to quickly from the heat.

The other half of the town is the sunny Vervoth District. A large portion of the town live in this District, streets splitting off of the Main Road are crowded with small to large stalls that sell all kinds of wares. Some sell food, jewelry or even Rayajinn parts.

All of the stalls are decked with colourful cloth and other materials to attract a customer's eye. A branche of the Rayajinn Rangers Union, Panphar Gaurdian Corps and Interplanetary Myakat Merchants sit along the Main Road.

Walking along one of these streets was a bustling crowd of different races, all of them checking out the stalls set up along the way and going about their business. Far above the streets a young black furred male Myakat sits calmly observing the people below as he sat on the flat edge of a buildings roof.

He had a pair of goggles on his forehead, the headband a light brown colour and had large round glass lenses. Large triangular ears covered in a thin fuzz of black fur rested on top of his head. Thick white tufts of fur surrounded the edges of his ears inner parts. His large round honey-gold cat-eyes where surrounded by patches of white fur. The rest of his cat-like head was covered in a thin coat of soft black fur.

A pink triangular nose rested on his short muzzle, his mouth was human-like but featured a plethora of sharp fangs and teeth. His tounge was like that of cat, but was a dark pink colour. A mane of black fur fell around his neck and shoulders, some of it reaching down to his chest turning white. Hanging off of his left shoulder was a round brown leather satchel and looked a little rough around the edges.

On his right shoulder was a pauldron of leather, it had extra padding. It was held on securely with metal and leather straps. His arms reached down to hips and ended in four hand-like paws. He wore a pair of bright red cargo shorts, it's large pockets bulging with the things he stuffed into them. A sunset orange sash was wrapped around his waist and worn over his shorts.

A Crymedal was fused to left side of his chest, proudly displayed. His legs where much like that of a cats hind legs, the thighs thick with strong muscles. The long ankles extending upwards and at a backwards angle. His feet end in large paws with four toes and covered in black fur. A short fluffy tail with a white tip, swayed and curled behind him. It extended out of his tailbone and specially modified hole in the butt end of his cargo shorts.


I turned away from the street and reached down to open my brown satchel. Sewn on the front was my name, En Vertalon. I flip open the flap and searched for the box I had bought this morning.

My satchel was slung over my left shoulder the brown leather sling pressing down on my black mane of fur. I wiggled my pink triangular nose as the scent of the breakfast I bought from my favourite bakery, flowed out.

I swallowed as I had started to drool at the smell, I felt my short and fluffy black tail curl and twitch with anticipation. Held in my paws was the small brown box of awesomeness, I lift open the box and grin, revealing my long canines and pointed teeth.

My wide Honey-gold eyes stare down at the Bana Fruit and Sweetfish Mini-Pie nestled in the box. It's crispy golden crust looked like it was cooked perfectly! I hold back the happy purr, I felt just starting to rumble outta my throat. I reach out and grab the mini-pie with my left paw, I felt its warmth seep into the soft pink pads of my paws.

Without any hesitation I take a big and eager bite off of the mini-pie. I closed my eyes and couldn't hold back my purr any more, as the tangy juices from the Bana fruit slices and salty-sweet flavour of the Sweetfish meat flooded my mouth. The bread-like crust of the pie was flaky and buttery. I savoured the food and swallowed, wiping some of the crumbs off my thin furred muzzle and look down at the mini-pie.

'Mrrp! I love this food sooo much! I gotta thank Uncle Vars for the heads up he gave me about the special Ordis Bakery was having this morning!!' I happily thought, while taking another bite. My purring slowly died down as I continued to eat, I watch the folks below me going about their day.

My feet dangle over the edge of the roof I chose to sit and eat my breakfast at. I felt my large and triangular ears moving in the directions of sounds that caught my interest. I didn't really pay attention to the local gossip, though I did hear that some of the Panphar Gaurdian Corps had managed to fend off another ambush of the Sand Snake Raiders.

I brush off the crumbs of the finished Mini-pie off of my bright red cargo shorts. I frowned at the mention of the murderous criminal gang. I let out a hiss as I felt my thin coat of black fur on my body puff up, as the all to familiar burning feeling of anger soured the good mood I had just been in.

I crumpled the empty box in my paws, my white claws suddenly digging and shredding the cardboard as I growled lowly. The pieces fluttered away as a gust of hot wind caught them. I felt my eyes beginning to tear up, I closed them. A few minutes passed as I stewed in my anger, memories of 5 years ago rushed through my mind.

Bringing grief and loss with them. I was ten at the time, when I learned I had been orphaned...


My parents and old family friends had gone out to go hunting in some recently discovered Agi-dexo ruins. I was being watched over by Uncle Vars when someone had knocked on my Uncles door. I was tinkering with some old circuit boards when I heard my Uncles cry of grief.

I dropped everything and had rushed to my Uncle, standing at my Uncles door was Keltha a good friend of my families and a highly skilled Ruin Hunter. I remember her expression as her pale grey eyes fell on me, the pain and sorrowful look she had in her eyes shook me.

I'd turned to my Uncle, who refused to look at me and I demanded to know what was wrong. He slowly met my eyes, his grey and white fur on his face wet from the tears he was shedding. What I heard...

Well... the memories of that time was a little blurred, nothing more then impressions of anger, denial and sadness. I yelled and mindlessly ran out outta the house, blinded by the dreaded words I'd just been told. My parents where dead, murdered by an ambush the Sand Snake Raiders had launched on them all.

I felt nothing but hate towards those low-lifes, still do. Sad thing is, I wasn't the only kid to lose someone. I soon discovered this when I came across Aris weeping in an alleyway. She was a childhood friend of mine, she was just a year younger than me. The sight of her shocked me outa my stupor, I've never seen her cry before. I felt my gut lurch at the thought, she'd always been a happy and mischievous girl.

I took a shaky step towards her and my grief stricken face stared at hers, our eyes met. The young Faydel ran to me and I wrapped my arms around her. She told me what had happened as she cried. I felt more tears fall from my blurry eyes, I bent down and hugged her tighter.

She had lost her ma in the same ambush I just lost my parents in. Luckily though her pa had surivived, but was heavily injured and was currently in the hospital at the time. Keltha found us in the alleyway a few minutes later, the tall Vyruma silently picked us up and wrapped her four arms around us gently. Whispering soft words of comfort as she brought Aris and I back to my Uncles home...


I let out a heavy sigh and droop my shoulders, as I let the memories fade back into the recesses of my mind. My temper cooled and I looked up from my hands, watching a flock of Steelots fly off into the Sindar Canyon. The sound of the bird-like Rayajinns croaking grackles echoing amongst the fluttering clink and clang of their steel tipped wings.

I raised my hands and slapped the sides of my cheeks, my eyes narrowed as I snapped myself outta my funk. "Right, enough of that mopeing! I gotta a lot of stuff to do today, I ain't gonna gain any Geo if I just sit here all broody-like." I determinedly said to myself. I already felt the effects of my sour mood fade, as the tasks I had managed to snag from the local Request Board earlier this morning filled my mind.

I closed the flap of my satchel and got up, the sound of rustling paper coming out of satchel. I hopped down from the ledge and onto the flat stone roof, I made my way to the other side of the building, I could see the top of the other roof just a few feet from me. I jumped back onto the ledge and looked down to see the stacked wooden crates I had used to get up here.

Without any hesitation I jumped down and landed with a soft thump onto the highest of the crates and made my way down to the alleyways cobbled ground. I peaked my head out of the alleyway and saw some Faydels fly above me and some other townfolks bargaining to the stall owners. I adjusted the strap of my satchel and moved carefully into the crowd, I eyed some of the stalls that sold weapons.

I had been given my Crymedal a few weeks ago, it was a gift from Keltha. I had been sparring with my uncle in duel wielding daggers, though I have yet to own my own blades. The ones I'd been using for practice where weighted and made from wood. As much as I would love to go and purchase a set, I could'nt.

Vars was getting to old ta keep working with the Aqua Couriers, he didn't know that I was doing all these odd jobs around town for him. I was saving a bigger portion of my earnings for him, a secret nest egg for his retirement.

The old cat had been kind to me and had given me 5 long years of love and happiness. He was the closest thing I had to a father now. Keltha was like the grumpy older sister, Aris the mischievous younger sister and her dad the eccentric older brother.

I smiled at the warm memories I had of them. I turned around the corner and grinned when the noisy cacophony that was the Main Road reached my ears. I sped up and dodged my way through the crowd.

The end of the street falling into view, the tall stone buildings looming over it shadowed the exit. Colorful banners strung up on rope flapped above me from a passing hot wind.

I slowed down as I walked onto the wide sandy coloured stone cobbled road. I looked around at the usual craziness the Main Road was littered with. Desert-Cycles zoomed above my head, most likely carrying urgent messages or people needing to get somewhere fast.

Faydels flew a little lower, avoiding the higher airspace above the Main Road. Hover-Carts carrying food or ship parts slowly traveled along the road, the Myakat or Human driving them looking bored outta there minds.

I walked along the sidewalks gazing at the more eye-popping designed buildings and stores built along the Main Roads length. I passed by the Branche HQs of the R.R.U, P.G.C and the I.M.M.

Each of the stone buildings fronts displayed long banners that had the each of the group's symbol on them. The buildings themselves where painted a little to match the colours and rest of the theme.

My eyes fell upon the dark grey and navy blue armor worn by the Panphar Gaurdian Corps. A team of three of the P.G.C passed by me, a gave them a nod as one of them greeted me. The P.G.C was greatly respected all over the system, they protected town's like Alora from Daesina and other criminal gangs out there.

It didn't matter the size or importance of a settlement all where protected by the Panphar Gaurdian Corps. Though the bigger cities did have an Alteon Knight assigned to them.

I looked down one of the streets splitting off of the Main Road. My Uncle and Keltha lived out here in the Vervoth District, Aris lived with her dad out on their old Airship. I looked away from it and sped up as I noticed I was now at the place I wanted to go.

I stopped and looked up at the oval shape sign hanging just above its wooden doors. 'FULLWYNN AGENCY' was proudly displayed in black bold letters. It was the name of Keltha's place, anyone who needed to hire or had a job for the local Ruin Hunters would come here.

I grinned as I pressed my hand against the door and walked into the agency, Keltha had offered to help me out with some of my work yesterday. I blinked as my eyes rapidly adjusted to the dim light of the plain looking lobby.

I looked around and spotted the the low light coming out of the hallway. Looks like she was home, I made my way to the entrance of the hallway and walked into Keltha's training room.